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Draft Better Contracts: A Toolkit for In-House Legal Teams
10 core principles for clear and effective contracts
Drafting better contracts reduces misunderstandings, saves negotiation time, and ensures legal accuracy. This guide provides in-house legal teams with practical tips for creating clear, simple, and legally sound contracts.

10 legal drafting philosophies you can adopt:
  1. Time and resources are best spent negotiating the commercial deal, not the T&Cs.
  2. 90%+ of your standard commercial contracts should not have any questions, negotiations or changes relating to the T&Cs.
  3. Start with fair, balanced T&Cs that you would expect if you were the other party.
  4. Don’t use one word more than necessary. Save every minute and every keystroke.
  5. Use simple, common language that’s understood by the audience – not archaic legal terminology. Write as you speak.
  6. Don’t unknowingly increase your risk profile and, of course, still be legally correct.
  7. Structure the document to ensure it’s as quick and straightforward as possible for the audience.
  8. Make it simple, empowering and safe for non-lawyers to complete the first draft without the need to change the T&Cs.
  9. Draft the document so it can more easily be digitised and automated in future.
  10. Remove ambiguity.
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